Transaction Fee Clause :

Transaction fee charged would be borne by cardholder for any payment.

Transaction fee charges would not be refunded /reversed under any circumstances for any refund/reversal/charge back and any other reason.

Return Policy :

First, we provide service then will taking payment if any advance payment taken will not refundable

Refund Policy :

No refund will be granted once the payment is done.

If customer paid twice for one transaction then one transaction amount will be refunded via source within 15 to 20 working days. The merchant will provide service to client within 2 to 7 days.

Service Delivery Policy :

The merchant will provide service to client within 2 to 7 days.

Privacy Policy :

To work with our client, we do not share any confidential data to anyone. Like emailed, server details etc. This is confidential and we share it to our registered clients.